5 Things To Have After Delivery

5 Things To Have After Delivery

Expecting mothers tend to spend so much time preparing for their babies and forget to prepare for themselves, the recovery after birth and the transition to parenthood. The first three(3) months after birth is crucial and many women find it difficult to adjust during this period if they don’t know what to expect.

We have carefully put together a list of things you must have to help you during your recovery period.

👉🏼Sanitary pads: You will have lochia(vaginal bleeding) for the first 2-6 weeks. We also recommend you use TUCKS medicated cooling pads as well to help relieve discomfort after vaginal birth.

👉🏼Comfortable clothings such as; disposable pants, maternity dress or tops(especially does with front zip) and maternity bras to help new moms breastfeed without stress.

👉🏼Breast pads. Every new mom makes breast milk regardless of their feeding plans. For this reason, breast pads will keep leaking breast milk under control.

👉🏼Beverages and pap: They help to increase the quantity and quality of milk and help with the overall recovery process.

👉🏼Breast pump: This will help prevent breast engorgement and give you resting periods from breastfeeding

NB: DO NOT USE FEEDING BOTTLES TO FEED YOUR NEWBORN. This can increase your baby’s risk of choking and ear infection.